The healing is always deep and wide and multi dimensional multi layered empowering personal responsibility is absolutely epic

The greatest take aways are the healings of ancestral line the vows I can mend I can heal, accept  surrender to allowed to pass through and take me to deep understanding of myself. My loved ones. and the world I inhabit 

So much more capacity for joy and embracing the edges of myself 

The possibilities are endless working with you which is fantastic.

Cherrie Joy - Psychologist and Eco Therapist

I would definitely recommend Sarah to anyone that needs some light and guidance in their lives. I am blessed to have met Sarah and for the input she has had on my journey I am forever grateful’

Franki Rhodes Business Owner– Birmingham

“Sarah is refreshingly upfront, direct and straight in there… with enough compassion, warmth and insight to simultaneously create a space where everything is welcome. Each session rattled me out and pulled me together, all my threads in safe hands with this skilled alchemical guide. Be prepared to get straight with yourself, and feel the magic unfold as you step along your way”.  Dechen Shaw, Writer, Norfolk

We dove deep on many levels. Sarah-Jayne helped me find the root cause, no other therapist has ever done this before! I worked hard and Sarah-Jayne worked her magic ⭐️ I definitely achieved what I came for and more!

My greatest take away…. To put into practice what I learned about myself.

I honestly can’t tell enough people how amazing Sarah-Jayne is as a therapist and a human being. She doesn’t mess about. It’s not like having a cuppa with your Nan! She gets you to own your shit and mirrors everything back to you. If you want to deal with your issues, this lady is the one to do it with!

For me it’s the best therapy I’ve had. Kate Angel Reiki Practitioner and Gardener, Devon

‘I have journeyed so far from our first sessions, that I can hardly recall or recognise myself. My body and soul were so firmly stuck in the past, and my mind had locked me there, frozen on a terror loop. I thought I needed someone to rub the pain out , as it was so deep, but you showed me otherwise.

You tenderly and supportively reminded me that I could rub and move my own body, and that I was central to this process of healing. You helped me to realise that I could save myself from this loop, you gave me the space and the courage to be brave and to plant my feet firmly on the ground.

You showed me where I had hidden that deep feminine wisdom, and helped me to unlock it, from deep within my womb.I believe that listening to that beautiful womb is what really set me free from that loop of fear.

I’m no longer fighting different parts of me, but have actually started listening rather than pressing mute… I feel more balanced.

I’m aware that this is a long journey, but I’m so happy to have finally started it, and to now be brave enough to share my true voice to friends and family – a huge leap from the people pleaser ( a work in process)I have so much heartfelt gratitude and wonder for your approach…. WOW thank you.Fiona Smioth, Reflexologist and Midwife, Sussex’

The moment I met Sarah I was instantly warmed by her infectious smile. I was in awe with her genuine approach to connect with me on a level  that no one else could. She took me on a powerful journey in this first session, for the first time in a long time I felt connected. I was blown away just from an hour with her, I felt like I was connecting again to the universe I love that I grew to distrust. 

The very next day believe it or not I came off the anti depressants and started this new journey. Every session is different.

In earlier sessions I felt that I held back and was shy when asked to be honest about myself but there is no hiding from Sarah, she has the guts to go to difficult places in sessions and the sensitivity to guide and heal, put that with the wisdom she holds, it gives me the ability to know how to use the session and move forward after. 

I never know how a time together will go, Sarah has different techniques that are always amazingly so fitting to that moment. I always go away feeling like I have achieved something which is magical!

Sarah has believed in me from the beginning and has shown me great compassion over the time I have worked with her. Just to have someone listen to me and be genuine means the world. This truly is the one of the biggest gifts I have been given in life. I am forever grateful.

Lucie Rose

‘You Have really listened and heard me’ Gabriella Lunda, Shamanic Practitioner, Sussex

‘I would 100% recommend Sarah-Jayne. I love her no B* but most upmost compassionate way of leading. Sarah-Jayne is honest with lovely humour which makes sessions light but also has the ability to pull out and hold the darkness from you and face your grief with absolute grace’ Laura, Therapist, Sussex

I feel freer, more open and willing to live with grace’ Sue Bodkin, Retired, Hastings


I first met Sarah after a relationship break-up. She helped me look at my life from an outside perspective, it helped me see the many different parts (e.g. good nutrition, thoughts/emotions) that made up who I was and how I affected my own life with my thoughts and actions.

It was as if I woke up and saw my life afresh and with insight. I saw her advice as a set of tools to help me: we all get low at times but having those tools helps me to look at the background of the issue, the ‘roots’ if you like and then to think about how I can change my thoughts and emotions.  Sarah listened to me and helped me understand myself; her advice was and is invaluable to me, I am truly grateful.”

Julie Young – Milton Keynes

My Approach


STRAIGHT UP : STRAIGHT TALKING...I am not here to cajole and let you wallow…for too long…I am here to walk with you as you journey to find your authentic expression in the world. I am a dynamic yet kind and compassionate being and that is how I work, I believe in TRUTH and not truth…to really step into ourselves can be a messy business yet when held in a supportive way grace, play and vulnerability can be a beautiful part of the process.

Confidentiality – for me this is key. I believe in an honest and interactive client/therapist relationship which means I will often invite you to undertake homework in order to fully develop the tools you explore in session. I am someone who will support you and encourage you to heal and be the best person you are able to be, giving you a creative and cognitive experience in session, and an invitation to explore the blocked emotions that hold us back from living fully.

You can expect a compassionate and empathetic approach to the work, whilst also working towards empowering you to lead and live a full life (from a person who is doing her own work!). I fully believe that I can only take someone where I am prepared to go, therefore I regularly have my own therapy, supervision, attend CPD training and have a vested interest in exploring my own soma and psyche. to the work, whilst also working towards empowering you to lead and live a full life (from a person who is doing her own work!). I fully believe that I can only take someone where I am prepared to go, therefore I regularly have my own therapy, supervision, attend CPD training and have a vested interest in exploring my own soma and psyche.